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Operation seduction?

Operation seduction?

Bon ca fait maintenant 3 mois que la cocotte est a l'ecole. Et elle adore. On a analyse la situation pour comprendre, admettre, changer. Pas de *vraie* copine en dehors de l'ecole: une super bonne copine a l'ecole. Des tas d'activites en classe et en...

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On abundance

On abundance

Juliette, thank you for giving me the opportunity to write about the concept of abundance and how it fits into our RU lives. I'm writing in English because I like to have Lishelle's comments on that (She is great on RU concepts and practicals. But she...

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Staying ? Moving ? If yes: to where ?

Aaaaaaaaaaaah the always pending question.... I could see myself living here for the next 10 years I reckon... We have everything we need here: parks, beaches, mountains, lakes, friends, library, playgroups, museums, gardens, cafes... All at a travelling...

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Une citation. Interesting quote.

My father: Put a child in front of a sand pit and a spade, the child will never figure out how to use the spade if nobody shows him. I should have told him about this experience they made once in India, in a slum. A computer was set up, with a mouse and...

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Arreter la kindy

Arreter la kindy

-Anouk adooore aller a la kindy maintenant. 2 heures par jour, 4 jours par semaine. Apres ses 4 ans, il faudrait normalement passer a 5 jours par semaine et 3 heures par jour, le matin. Et la ca ne rigole plus car ca devient "structure". Car il faut songer...

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I fuond those ideas quite interesting on www.simplesavings.co.nz Indoor picnic Pack a picnic lunch (you're going to eat lunch anyway) and take a walk around the house looking for the perfect picnic spot. Spread out an old table cloth or blanket on the...

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